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“I have worked with ghislaine as a general practitioner for the last 18 months. Ghislaine has added true value to our practice and our patients. Her general energy is calming and assessment of emotional well being and its impact on health astute. With her gentle, thorough, approach kinesiology has assisted many of my patients. It has helped those to whom counseling was not suited. It does this via a more pro-active therapy that delves into the subconscious and emotional states. Many of my patients with chronic illness or psychological distress have benefited from Ghislaine practice, where they have not in other therapies.
Dr Nicole Avard
“I have tried many therapies over years in my quest to improve my health- and almost every one of them contributed in some way to my progress, however the most significant gains I have experienced have been through the Re-birth Breathwork and kinesiology sessions I undertook. The depths I have reach through these sessions, levels I wasn’t aware existed, and the levels of healing I experienced where beyond my expectations.
I believe the tool is only as good as the practitioner, and I can’t imagine a more understanding, intuitive and gentle guide than Ghislaine.
Anne D.
I wanted to say thank you for the journey you have taken me on with kinesiology. Discovering the blockages within that prevented me communicating with my family and friends has been surprising and enlightening. Being in the “now” as part of my past and future gives me a positive approach to all my daily interactions.
Thank you once again.
Mary C.
The journey I took with you has really transformed me.
I am more confident, happy, balanced and excited about the future than I would have imagined.
I have goals that I am not frightened to achieve and I give myself permission to be happy and enjoy my own company. I have dealt with my childhood and my marriage, and all of those people are still in my life – but with a different perspective – each of them offering me a lesson that I continue to learn from. Even Paul said “Ghislaine did a lot of good for you didn’t she…” – and so even the completely unobservant have been compelled to notice the change!
Liz A.
Thank you so much for the kinesiology session yesterday. How amazing and powerful it was!I really didn’t expect it to be so powerful and yet as we have both noticed there seemed to be some higher energy leading us to cross paths that day, so perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. I was ready and I thank you for helping me.
Today I feel lighter and brighter and a whole host of things seem to have come into perspective.
It feels as though I have freed my mind from carrying around all the “responsibility files’ I was holding on just about everyone I knew – it is like freeing up a great chunk of my internal hard drive!
Really incredible!
Kate J.
Although the process of Kinesiology may seem unusual to a western trained doctor, the results speak for themselves. After trying out for myself, I now use Ghislaine frequently to help with my patients suffering from depression, anxiety and problems with stress management. It is also very valuable in situations where people feel “stuck” in their lives and are unsure which direction or course of action to take.
Ghislaine can provide another facet in treatment of these types of conditions, and complements rather than conflicts with more “traditional” treatments of antidepressants, anxiolytics and counseling.
I can highly recommend Ghislaine’s professional and caring expertise.
Dr Joanne Hayes
How grateful I am to have you in my life. You have brought about profound changes, in many areas, and I will always be so thankful to have met you, and to continue to work with you. Thank you.
Trish Mc A.
All the prepartion I did for my rebirth at 40 has been so rewarding. I feel so well and good in myself despite the challenges I have been facing
Toni H.
You are a special person with a wonderful gift of healing. Your intuition has touched my soul.
Anthony U
“And a huge thank you for helping me. I feel as though I have learnt more about myself in our two sessions than I did in eight months of conventional therapy! The insights have been deep and profound. Hopefully I can put into practice getting myself “back together” and sharing my essence with my children.You are obviously a very talented healer with a special gift. I feel privileged and grateful to have met you".
Emma M.

I just wanted to thank you for our session last week end. I have felt so amazing ever since, my mind feels light and free and I feel hopeful. Many of the negative thoughts and feeling that were eating away at me have lifted. Thank you so much, you are the best.
Fiona D.

I wanted to let you know that since our session on Saturday my vision has been much sharper and clearer.  I was aware of the change driving home Saturday afternoon before I’d even reached St Ives!  I’m very happy bout that – it actually came about 6th on my list of ‘issues’ that evolved (and drove me nuts) as a result of no sleep.  I’m thinking that rebalancing should also make a difference to dropping things and knocking stuff over and self injury resulting from walking into things etc.   
Thanks again,
Julie Y.

You keep popping into my mind so I thought I’d send a note to say hello.
I have started my first official paid job as a psychologist and I’m absolutely loving it. My work is a gift and I feel blessed to have found my ‘sweet spot’ in life. Often when I work with my clients I think of you and all the amazing things you have taught me – about myself, about my emotions, and about how to work with unconditional love and compassion. What a powerful role model you are in my life and my work!
Emma M.

You have the most incredible intuitive talents of just "tapping in" to whatever I need or R. or A. for that matter!! Thank you for all the support you've given me over the years
Jacqueline McG.

Feeling so good, you're incredible! This may be too much information but last night I had a bath and just as you said I was shedding my old skin, I literally  did, a whole layer came off!! Thank you so much, I am feeling really good! xxx
Lucy M.

I want you to know that I absolutely love our sessions and have found them life changing. You have a special gift!
Liz B.

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Ghislaine Bouskila | Sydney Australia

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